The Impact of Adopting Social Responsibility Programs towards Employees on Human Resources Management Policy: The case of Industrial Companies in Riyadh


  • Dr. Falaah Faraj Al-Subay`i Business Administration Department Economics and Administrative Science College Al-Imam Muhammad Ibn Saud Islamic University


This study aims to identify the motive of adopting social responsibility programs towards workers in industrial companies in the ​​Riyadh area, and to measure its impact on human resources management policies. It also measures the differences between workers with regards to their performance in social responsibility programs provided to them,taking into account a number of demographic variables, namely age, academic qualification, career level and work experience. To meet these objectives, a model for study has been built (on the basis of previous studies and of the exploratory study) showing the independent and the dependent variables of the study. In light of this, the study hypotheses have been developed. The study uses a comprehensive survey method for all the companiesconcerned (28 companies).

The major findings of the study include that the companies used in the survey work on achieving job security for their workers, as well as offering job opportunities for graduates. Moreover, incentives and rewards are offeredto employees, which ispositively reflected in their performance. The study also highlights that the practice of social responsibility programs by the companies in question affects the already applied policies and programs of human resources management. Furthermore, the study highlights the existence of some statistically significant differences in the averages of workers' perception of social responsibility programs provided to them according to the variables mentioned  above, except for the variable related to job experience. In light of these results, the researcher concludes with a set of recommendations that the planners and policy-makers can benefit from in this field.




