The Scientific Role of Al-Mu`aafireen in Egypt Fromthe Islamic Conquest to the Fourth Century AH


  • Dr. MaHmood Muhammad Al-Ssayyid Ali Khalaf Researcher in Islamic History Al-Azhar University, Cairo


تناولتُ فيها عرضاً لأهم النتائج التي توصلتُ إليها من خلال هذا البحث. وَآَخِرُ دَعْوَانا أَنِ الْحَمْدُ لِلَّهِ رَبِّ الْعَالَمِينَ.


This research is concerned with the scientific role of Al-Mu`aafireentribe in Egypt from the Islamic conquest till the fourth century AH. The research is dividedinto five main sections and a conclusion. In the first section, “The history of Al-Mu`aafireen between the pre-Islamic period (AlJaahilia) and Islam”is discussed in terms of their origin, the branches of their tribe, their conversion to Islam, the places of their residence in Egypt. The section is concluded by mentioning their most important cultural establishments in Egypt.  The second section deals with the companions ofTheProphet-peace be upon him- and their followers who belonged to Al-Mu`aafireen tribe,andinhabited the land of Egypt and had a significant role in disseminating religious knowledge among the people of Egypt. The third section discusses the effort of Al-Mu`aafireen in the sciences of the Holy Quran, in the forefront the science of the recitations of the Quran, which honors the Al-Mu`aafreen for being the first people who recited the Holy Quran in Egypt. The fourth section discusses the most famous MuHadditheen (narrators of Hadeeth) of Al-Mu`aafireen in Egypt. The fifth section,is about their efforts in jurisprudence. The most famous jurisprudents from Egypt were Imam Al-Maliki and Ash-hab Ibn Abdulaziz Al-Mu`aafiri. In conclusion, the researcher presents the most important results in his research. Praise be to Allah, Lord of All.




