The Determinants of Violation of Academic Integrity Standards of Undergraduate and Postgraduate Students in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia


  • Dr. Marwan Ibn Ali Al-Harbi Department of Educational Psychology, Faculty of Education, University of Jeddah



The present study aimed to identify the level of commitment to integrity and academic with students Undergraduate and Graduate students  in some Saudi universities (King Abdul Aziz University / Umm Al Qura University / Taibah University), and to reveal the nature of the relationship between academic integrity and all of the moral responsibility and self-efficiency academic, and achievement motivation, and learning strategies, and cognitive testing and GPA concern, in addition to determining how different level of commitment to integrity and academic according to the variation of both undergraduate (BA / Diploma / Masters), and the university to which they belong, the study also aimed to detect for the best predictors of academic integrity by knowing the independent variables under study. The study sample included 357 male and female students who are studying undergraduate and postgraduate, and study results indicated: Rising violation of academic integrity standards indicators in general and on the six sub-dimensions, and to the lack of statistically significant differences in commitment to academic integrity standards among students stage level university and above the university due to the University of difference, and to the presence of a statistically significant difference between the students and the students undergraduate and above the university on five sub-dimensions of academic integrity standards, in addition to a statistically significant difference on the total score of the questionnaire is due to the difference in undergraduate, and to the presence of correlation between academic integrity and all of the moral responsibility and self-efficacy, and cognitive testing and learning strategies for anxiety and achievement motivation and GPA, as well as it can be interpreted approximately (56.5%) of the variance on the integrity variable Academy with students undergraduate and above the university, and it knowledge of moral responsibility towards learning, and learning strategies and achievement motivation and self-efficiency except cognitive test anxiety and GPA.




