The Virtual Relationships among Young People in Saudi Society: A Study in Characteristics and Determinants


  • Dr. Maher Abdulaal Al-Dhabee University of Munufiya and University of Tabuk and Consultant of the University Deputy for Higher Education and Scientific Research


Virtual Communities- Virtual Relations- Social networking


This study investigated the virtual relations among youth in the Saudi society using modern communication technologies. Therefore, identifying the essential characteristics and determinants of the virtual relations among youth was the main aim of the current study. For achieving the objective of the study, 340 students (male & female) from Tabuk University were surveyed using a social descriptive survey approach. Results revealed that the relations with relatives representedthe key online communication category for youth. Female communications were higher than other communications. Generally, the main purpose of the Internet relations and communications forthe Saudi youth was to enjoy their leisure time, establishing new relationships, and deepening kinship relationships. Almost all the participantsadmitted that their virtual relations with others were subject to the standards and traditions of the conservative Saudi community.




