The Islamic Community and the Jewish Community under the Spanish Rule of Aragon: A Historical Study of the Interrelationships of Majorities


  • Dr. Hayla Abdurrahman Farraj Al-Sahli Faculty of Art and Humanities, Princess Nora Bin Abdul Rahman University


ThisResearch sheds light on an important aspect of the relationship with the other which was forgotten by Muslims throughout the centuries when they controlled Andalusia. The absence of this conciseness regarding the way of dealing with the other is serious and has dangerous consequences, especially regarding the sensitive position of Andalusia as it was surrounded by enemies. By “the other”, we are referring to the Jewish community which enjoyed tolerance and prosperity under Muslim rule and from Muslim citizens.

Yet they never returned the favor and revealed their ugly face when the balance of power shifted in favor of Christians.  Muslims and Jews became equal subjects  of the Aragon kingdom which treated both as minority. The Jewish community started to struggle with the Muslim community “ Mudjers” in order to seclude Muslims and gain prestigious positions  among Aragon kings and Christian citizens. They believed mainly that the ends justified the means. In fact, the struggles between the two sects were varied; they were economic, religious, and social. They would always revoke the Muslims and cause them trouble. But unfortunately, their cruel efforts went unheeded because they were expelled from the Iberian Peninsula by the Christians themselves.




