Delegation of Authority and Its Relation to the Level of School Management Performance


  • Dr. Abdul Aziz Bin Suleiman Aldweesh Department of Administration and Educational Planning Faculty of Social Sciences Al-Imam Muhammad Ibn Saud Islamic University


The study Topic: The delegation of powers and its relationship to the level of performance in school management. Researcher:  Dr.. Abdul Aziz Bin Suleiman Aldweesh The academic year: 2009/20100  The study goal was to identify the reality of the devolution of powers in school management, also it aimed to identify obstacles to devolution of powers in school management, as well as to identify the delegation of authority related to performance in school management. The sample consisted of all supervisors and school management's (40) supervisors, and managers as well as a sample of primary and middle schools and high schools in the city of Riyadh (10%) (and number (120) director, researcher used the descriptive method of analysis, and resolution tool for the study.

The study found: the existence of statistically significant differences(at 0.05) between the occurrences of responses of study sample of managers and supervisors of the school administration for responding (strongly agree) for the words of the center of the reality of the devolution of powers management school there were statistically significant differences (at 0.05) responses between the occurrences of the study sample of managers and supervisors of the school administration for responding (strongly agree) for the words of the center of the obstacles that hinder the delegated authority of school management and a statistically significant differences (at 0.05) between the occurrences of responses of study sample of managers and supervisors of the school administration for response (strongly agree) for the words of the center of the delegation of authority related to performance in school management and there is no difference statistically (at 0.05) at the center of the reality of the devolution of powers Powers of school due to a variable of qualification for the average score with a bachelor degree or qualification. This means that the average qualified with a bachelor degree at the center of the reality of the devolution of powers in terms of top management school statistical counterpart with qualification Master and PhD.

The study recommends the following: school principals are selected on the basis of competence and experience, with the availability of a number of features leading decision-making process and take responsibility, the establishment of training courses on the accreditation process and how to employ them to develop and improve the educational process, apply the decentralized approach with the administrations of secondary schools, in order to give freedom the largest of these departments according to their needs.




