Effectiveness of an Electronic Program in Teaching Some Environmental Concepts to Kindergarten Children With Hearing Disabilities In Saudi Arabia


  • Dr. Mahmoud Mohamed Mohamed Hifnauy Deanship of e-learning and distance education at the University of Taif
  • Dr. Isra Raafat Mohamed Ali Shihab Department of Special Education, Faculty of Education, University of Taif


This research aimed at examining the effectiveness of an electronic program designed by the researchers to attain some environmental concepts to kindergarten children with hearing disabilities in Saudi Arabia by employing methods based on the remaining and most effective senses and measuring its efficiency the light of the traditional methods kindergarten teachers  currently use. To achieve the research objectives The research relied on the Descriptive Analytical Method in the preparation of each of: the theoretical framework ,the previous literature  and the research tools, while it relied on the Experimental Method  for the application of research on a random sample of kindergarten children with hearing disabilities  in KSA.The research also used  the  environmental concepts test which is appropriate to  nature of a child with a hearing disability and his disability.The statements of the test was accompanied with in sign language to examine the effectiveness of the  proposed electronic program through the use of appropriate statistical methods and data analysis. The results indicated that the proposed program was effective in the development of environmental concepts of a kindergarten children with hearing disabilities sample in Taif , Saudi Arabia.The research also recommended using electronic programs in the development of other concepts for children with hearing disabilities




