Improvisation of Almutanabbi Poetry, its Themes and Structures


  • Dr. Fawaz Bin Abdulaziz Allaboun Department of Arabic Literature - Faculty of Arabic Language Al-Imam Mohammed Ibn Saud Islamic University


دراسة – الارتجال – شعر – المتنبي


This research has attempted to talk about the improvisation of poetry and its characteristics in vision and structure. This analysis based on a well-known and highly eloquent poet. This research seeks to answer various research questions; namely, i) What is the difference between a ballad and improvised poetry? ii) What are the artificial and genuine values that include and lack poetic improvisation?  iii) What are the criteria to verify the poetry is improvised or non-improvised? The research aims can be achieved through the following:

  1. Recognizing a case of a poem
  2. Realizing the important characteristics of Almutanabbi improvisation Poetry.
  3. Exploring the allusion standards of Almutanabbi improvisation Poetry.
  4. Distinguishing the differences between poetic improvisation and others in Almutanabbi poetry.

The research has adopted a narrative study design to analyze the improvisation of poetry and its structure; due to its appropriateness to follow the vision and textual variants. The research organization starts with an introduction, a study background includes a short biography of the poet and the concept of improvisation in poetry. Then, the research presents the first section that is entitled 'themes of poetic improvisation', which has four sub-sections.  The second section includes variations of poetic improvisation, which includes three sub-sections. Finally, the research ends with a conclusion followed by the references and recourses.





