The Usage of the Proverbs of Exclusion and Impossibility in Pre-Islamic Poetry: A Study in Aspects of the meanings


  • د. عبد الرحيم محمود أحمد عيسى جامعة أم القيوين


الأمثال, الاستبعاد, التبعيد, الصور, المعاني, الشعر


We settled on six styles that expressed specific meanings that the poets wanted and expressed. They are as follows: the first: distancing due to the impossibility of missing out, the second: distancing due to the impossibility of understanding, the third: distancing due to the impossibility of stopping or desisting, the fourth: distancing due to the impossibility of occurrence, the fifth: temporal exclusion, and the sixth: spatial exclusion.

     Proverbs of exclusion and distancing in pre-Islamic poetry were formulated using the methods of explicit condition and implicit condition, the method of imposition and estimation, explicit negation and implicit negation. The method of proof by negation and negation by proof was present in expressing meanings in its various forms, as well as precedence and delay. The answer to the condition was often presented on its tool and verb or What stands for them, and among the constructional methods, we monitored the implicit command and prohibition, and the interrogative, just as poets resorted to repeating suggestive methods and words. For various purposes, all of these methods, regardless of their differences, had a psychological dimension that expressed the psychology of the poet and a persuasive argumentative dimension for the recipient, including despair, despair, distancing, and insistence.

Keywords: Proverbs - Exclusion – distancing – Pictures – the meanings – poetry.






