Investigating and Editing MukhtaSar Aladhdad li Ibn Al-Anbari by Taqieldeen Abdulqader Al-Tamimi (1010AH) by Arranged Hasan Taqieldeen Al-Tamimi


  • Dr. Saud Abdullah Al-Husain Department of Grammar, Morphology and Philology Al-Imam Muhammad Ibn Saud Islamic University


The significance of academic work stems from the magnitude of the effort, mastery of work and achievement of the goal. All these  were found in a  linguistics book  by Ibn  Al-Anbhari  (Aladhdad "Opposites"), which is  the largest book  concerned with collecting phrases illustrating this phenomenon, the most controversial, and the richest in terms of evidence and texts. This has, through history, motivated the linguistic study of this book benefiting from it and publishing excerpts from it. The most prominent study was accomplished by one of the scholars of the 10th century:  Taqieldeen Al-Tamimi(1010 AH). He summarized the book and excluded many digressions and  passages, which could prevent the reader  from understanding oppositness in meaning. Al-Tamimi's effort surpassed this as he expressed his opinion regarding some of the phrases illustrating this phenomenon. He also traced Al-Anbari's opinions and edited some of the issues,which makes his text a valuable contribution to the history of the editing of   phrases exemplifying  this phenomenon.

A further effort was exerted by Ibn Al-MukhtaSar Hassan Ibn Taqieldeen Al-Tamimi who had his own contribution in this regard. He edited Al-MukhtaSar in a way that made it easier to study by scholars. When I had a look at Al-MukhtaSar in its final version, I decided to edit it as a contribution to Arabic language and for those interested in its phenomena and in the revival of its heritage. In my editing, I depended on a unique version preserved at Chester Beatty Library in Dublin (no.5060) in 92 pages. A copy of it is found at Al-Imam Muhammad Ibn Saud Islamic University. The copy is clear and written in calligraphy. It is modern and free of any mistake. Its copyist seems to be Mir Hasan Al-Zuhdi Ibn Khalil Pasha (27th of Ramadan in 1262 AH). The copy is owned   by several people. I depended during my editing on many references  on phrases related to this phenomena, the most prominent of which  is Al-Anbaris' book (Aladhdad "Opposites") and many other references. I made use of them to serve the reader and the text.




