Critical VisionIn the Introduction of Attaher Ben Ashuor to the Poetry of Bashar Ben Burd


  • Dr. Abdullah Abdulrahman Banugaib Department of Arabic Language University College in Qunfudah Umm Al-Qura University




This study aims to discover the critical vision of the introduction of Attahr Ben Ashur to the poetry of Bashar Ben Burd. The study is divided into three parts. The first part considers the (poetic text). It studies the general issues Attahr discusses about the poetic texts or those issues related to the role, function and aims of the poetic texts and its relation with some humanitarian and epistemological fields. These issues were (poetry and history), (poetry and the poet) and (poetry and religion). The second part of the research is a study of the (components of the poetic text), the vocabulary, the meanings, the metaphores and the rhythm. The study shows that Attahir investigation of these components in Bashar poetry came from a central belief that Bashar was the "first of the ancient and the last of the contemporary". The third part studies Attahr consideration of the effects that Bashar poetry has left, and that was clear in two ways: the presence of Bashar poetry in the books of literature and the testimony given to Bashar poetry by those who are interested in in literature. The study concludes, through what the critical vision states above, the most important features of Attahr critical approach.  




