Excess: Its Types and Treatment in light of the Holy Quran: Objective Study


  • Dr. Baha’udin M. H. A. Al-Sharuni Department of Quranic Sciences College of the Principles of Religion Al-Imam Muhammad Ibn Saud Islamic University


This research work tackles a problem which has faced many societies; namely excess and how to deal with it. Excess is not concerned with one specific behavior, but all types of excessive behavior. The limits can be natural, Shar’i or economic. But it includes excessive sins and mischief. It can also be manifested in aspects of worship such as excessive use of water for ablution, which can be redeemed by moderation and following the guidance of the Prophet.  

Similarly, excessive expenditure is condemned, though it varied from one person to another, since what is average for one class of society is what is considered moderate expenditure by another. Spending money in illegal deeds in what Allah has forbidden is excessive regardless of how little it is. Excess is also manifested in abstaining from food and drink permitted by Allah, and it is sinfull if it leads to stopping a duty. Moderate behavor is in following good practice and avoidance of mischief and being moderate in food and drink. Excess dressing is by wearing silk by males and going beyond what Allah has ordained. Moderation in dressing is fulfilled by wearing what Allah has permited and showing the bounties of Allah, being well-received and not shabby.




