The Aqadi Rulings of Sayings or Actions by the Revert to Islam


  • Dr. Sharifah Bint Muslih As-Sunaidi Department of Aqeedah and Modern Schools of Thought - College of Religious Foundations Imam Muhammad Bin Saud Islamic University


How to enter into Islam – the first obligation – conditioning the shahadah – the way of the salaf in giving da’wah – the virtue of giving da’wah


The Aqadi Rulings of Sayings or Actions by the Revert to Islam

A Shariah objective is to encourage people to become Muslims gradually and easily، as the Prophet – peace be upon him- as well as the salaf afterwards were keen on calling people to Islam، and we are told the great rewards of giving da’wah.

The first obligatory act of a new Muslim by the consensus of the scholars is to say the shahadah. With this، his blood and wealth are protected. The shahadah must include both parts for him/her to be considered a Muslim – the preferred opinion-، and if a person announces his Islam without pronouncing the shahadah this will be accepted from him at first until his condition is proven، and then he will be asked to say it. The scholars have differed denouncing polytheism، and the preferred opinion is that the shahadah is enough without any conditions.

Once a person enters into Islam، he must establish what the shahadah obligates from conditions and pillars، such as praying and paying zakat.

If a disbeliever conditions his shahadah upon a false condition he is said to have entered into Islam to soften his heart and encourage him، then he is instructed with religious obligations.




