The Authority of the silence of the Qur’an on the attributed quotations or sayings from other than prophets with regard considering this silence as an approval or not


  • Dr. Aref Izzeddin Hamed Hassouneh Department Sharia and Islamic Studies – Faculty Law UAE University


The narrated attributed quotation, the connotation of silence, the necessary needed clarification


God Almighty says in the Noble Qur’an attributed to the chief minister of Egypt, “this must be an example of the cunning of you “women; Indeed, your cunning is so shrewd. (12\28 ) and HE Al-Mighty says attributing to the Women of Imran, “and the male is not like the female” (3\36).

The previously mentioned quotations and other similar quotations in the Qur’an have raised an issue for some temporary scholars in terms of whether to consider these texts as a source of authentic legislation or not because they are not the direct words of Allah (God)  Al-Mighty and what makes the issue more critical is the fact that the only reason that gave these texts or quotations the possible validity to be considered as sources of legislation is just the fact that the Qur’an kept silent (when quoting them); and this itself, is unagreeable upon issue or has no consensus. 




