Techniques of Fabricating Narrations and Methods of Detection by Critics


  • د إبراهيم بركات صالح عيال عواد جامعة الملك خالد


Images, Ilzaq, Critics, Narrators, Isnad, Matn, Clarity


This research aims to clarify the meaning of fabrication linguistically and technically, to shed light on some aspects of the relationship and difference between it and the term "stealing the Prophet's hadith", in addition to deriving its images and explaining the methods used by critics to detect it through an applied study. The researcher benefited from two methods: inductive and analytical. The study concluded with several results, including: Ilzaq means: the deliberate attachment of a hadith or more by a narrator who is often very weak to another narrator who did not hear it from the one from whom his narration came; for various reasons and multiple images. It was also proven that there are aspects of agreement and difference between the term ilzaq and the term stealing hadith.

The images of ilzaq are divided into four sections: images of ilzaq related to known and unknown narrators, trustworthy and others, such as: attributing a narration of a known narrator to another unknown narrator, and so on. Images of ilzaq related to the isnad (chain of narration), such as: attributing isnads to matns (texts) that they do not know, and so on. Images of ilzaq related to the matn (text), such as: attributing the matns of authentic hadiths to other authentic isnads, and so on. Images of ilzaq related to the copies, books, originals, and compilations of others, such as: attributing hadiths in the copies and compilations of others, and so on.

There are two types of methods used by critics to detect it: methods for detecting ilzaq related to the narrator who fabricated the hadith, such as: reviewing the originals of the narrator who fabricated the hadiths, and others. Methods for detecting it related to the narrator to whom the hadith was attributed, such as: examining the hadith manuscripts of some narrators to whom the hadiths were attributed, and so on. The researcher recommends conducting more hadith studies related to the word ilzaq, especially its relationship to some other terms, such as stealing hadith. And its relationship to some other hadith sciences, such as: dictation, insertion on the elders, fabrication, tadlis al-taswiyah, and the heart in the hadith.




