The hadiths contained in specifying the sites for cupping, a hadith study


  • د عوض إبراهيم منصور بابكر عضو هيئة تدريس بكلية التربية بالزلفي / جامعة المجمعة


Cupping, Cupping Sites, Cupping Therapy




All praise is due to Allah, and peace and blessings be upon the best of Allah's creation, Muhammad, the son of Abdullah (peace be upon him).

To proceed, cupping therapy is one of the most effective treatments used by people today. Many practitioners attribute it to the Prophet's Sunnah (traditions of the Prophet), without distinguishing between what is authentic and what is not in determining its specific locations. This lack of differentiation can harm some patients who seek treatment following the Sunnah. Therefore, the blame should not be directed at the Prophetic Sunnah; rather, it is the misinterpretation that is at fault. Hence, this research is divided into an introduction, a preface, four sections, and a conclusion to clarify that it is authentic that the Prophet (peace be upon him) underwent cupping on his head, back, and heels for the relief of headaches, head pains, and the effects of Jewish sorcery on his head. However, it is not authentic that he underwent cupping on the back of his neck, the sides of his neck, his lower back, his hips, or the back of his feet. It is also not authenticated that he recommended cupping as a remedy for insanity, leprosy, vitiligo, drowsiness, dental issues, or memory loss at specific sites. This research is titled: "Hadiths on Determining the Sites of Cupping: A Hadith Study." I hope that those engaged in cupping therapy will refer to the rulings established in the authentic hadiths to differentiate between what is confirmed by the Sunnah and what is confirmed by experience and experimentation. This prevents attributing something to the Sunnah that is not from it. I pray that Allah may make it beneficial.





