The Intellectual Effects of Cosmic Disasters in the West and criticize it- The 1755 Lisbon Earthquake as a Case Study-


  • د صلاح بن عبد الله العيبان جامعة الإمام محمد بن سعود الإسلامية


Disasters, Earthquake, Lisbon, Ideas, the West, Enlightenment



The research paper, "The Intellectual Effects of Cosmic Disasters in the West and criticize it - The 1755 Lisbon Earthquake as a Case Study," aims to shed light on the intellectual effects resulting from the great Lisbon earthquake of 1755 and to critique these effects. This event gave rise to intellectual questions and cultural conflicts among the elite of society, whether manifested in intellectual disputes between Christian clergy and Enlightenment philosophers regarding the interpretation and nature of the event, or through disagreements among the philosophers themselves, concerning their optimistic and pessimistic views of the world or how to deal with the catastrophe, involving both secular authorities and religious figures. The research employed an analytical approach to examine the nature of intellectual disagreements and conflicts and analyze their impacts. It also utilized a critical approach to address these questions and intellectual disputes from a legal perspective. One of the research's findings is that major disasters in societies can lead to intellectual and cultural changes and raise doubts about established norms and beliefs. Such events may also lead various parties to employ these incidents to serve their intellectual agendas and settle scores with their adversaries. The research recommends the importance of studying the intellectual effects of disasters in the Islamic world, activating the role of research institutions and investigative studies to understand the nature of these changes, attempt to provide answers, and address their negative consequences. It also calls for critical examination of Arabic modern writings influenced by Western thought regarding earthquakes, with an attempt to impose a conflict between science and religion.




