Claims for Renewal of Exegesis of the Holy Qur'an in Modern Time


  • Dr. Burayk Sa‘eed Al-Qarni Department of Quran and its Sciences College of Fundamentals of Religion Al-Imam Muhammad Ibn Saud Islamic University


This research is part of a large research project designed to study the claims for renewal of Qur'an exegesis in the modern era. Several themes are discussed in this first part: The term 'renewal' in terms of its concept and meaning ; the relationship between claims for renewal in religion and claims for renewal in exegesis; Al-Manar school and its recent role in renewing the exegesis;  the baselines of renewal and its  legislated principles. The study consists of an introduction, six sections and references.

The most important findings are: First, most claims for renewing exegesis were under religion renewal in a general comprehensive way. Actually, this issue should concern researchers and scholars for its historic intellectual path and without a separation that might cause a loss of details and aspects of these claims. Second, claims, baselines and concepts of the renewing of the exegesis issue are intermingled. As a matter of fact, the term renewal is a matter of dispute because on the one hand renewal is a common term in this nation and in other nations where renewal meant calls to reduce religion to worship. On the other hand, destructive calls hiding behind the term 'renewal' undermine the characteristics of Shari`ah and its teachings in order to separate the present nation from its original authentic heritage. Third, the foundations and baselines of the claims for renewal can be summarized under three themes. They are related to Quranic texts and their endless interpretations; the prophetic text which promised to renew the religion every 100-years; the reality of this materially developed and civilized era and the meager state of religious knowledge of the nation. Forth, modern literature is almost agreed that Al-Manar school (Al-Afghaani and Abduh Ridha) is the leader of renewal in explication in the current era. Moreover, the researchers interested in the issue of renewal or Al-Manar school welcomed and thanked the school for what it presented to exegesis and to people; and the difference between the method and aim is clear. The researcher found that the term renewal has four aspects: First, reviving the Quran and applying its judgments. Second, purifying Quranic texts from innovations and myths. Third, bringing Quranic interpretation books together and facilitating them for the contemporary Muslim generation. Forth, changing the establishe­d methodology in explicating the Quran and replacing ­it with a variety of methodologies because of the developed and civilized world as well as the nation's vulnerability.

Blessings and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad and upon his family, companions and followers.




