Particularisation by AppositionAmong Scholars of Usul (Fundemantals of Religion)


  • Dr. Waleed Ibn Fahd Al-Wadaan Department of Fundamentals of Jurisprudence – College of Sharia Imam Muhammad Ibn Saud Islamic University


Scholars of Usul (fundamentals of religion) gave a special attention to references, especially research studies about grammatical particularisations. Separate particularisations had greater focus than the non-separate ones, which had little attention. The type which was ignored by scholars of Usulwas the particularistion by apposition.Therefore, this researchaims to further investigate this issue.The importance of this research is based on the fact that:

First: particularisation by apposition is associated with inference; looking into particularisations can broaden the perceptions of thetext reader in understanding what Law-giver (Allah) wants to say and helps the reader to infer the rules of the text.

Second: particularisation by apposition was ignored by the early reseachers as Ihave observed. Later, it started to clearly appear in the books of scholars of Usul after Ibn Al-Hajeb mentioned it as one of the particularisations. This was a point of dispute among scholars of Usul. Therefore, there was a pressing need to collect the opinions of scholars of Usulabout the reasons why they ignored it as one of the particularisation.

Third: particularistion by apposition is a shared subject among scholars of Usul and grammarians. The main reason of dispute by the scholars of Usul was the disagreement amonggrammarians on apposition as one of the particularisations: was it a mooted point to further discuss or a verifiable issue?




