The Indications of the Associations of Revealing the Holy Quran with the Saving-Rain in the Verses of the Holy Quran: Secrets, Occasions and subtleties


  • Dr. Beraik ben Saeed Al-Qarni Department of the Holy Quran – College of fundamentals of Religion Imam Mohammed Ben Saudi Islamic University


This research studies a type of subjective pairing which is the pairing of the revelation of the holy Qur'an and the showers of the sky in its fourteen positions. The research plan consists of an introduction, two chapters and a conclusion indexed as follows: The 1st chapter: an introduction to the pairing according to the scholars and the literature in the field of the holy Qur'an and it has three areas of study. The second chapter: It is about the conjugation between the the revelation of the holy Qur'an and the showers of the sky and it has two study areas. The first study area is about the pairing of the revelation of the holy Qur'an and the showers of the sky in the Meccan ear and it has eleven requirements. The second area of study is about the pairing of the revelation of the holy Qur'an and the showers of the sky in the Medinan era and it has two requirements. And I came to the following conclusions:  1-The conjugation between the verses of the two revelations : the revelation of the holy Qur'an and the rain and sky's showers in fourteen position most of which are in the Meccan chapters except for the ones in The Medinan Albaqarah and Alnur. 2-In this conjugation the two revelations are connected in some areas and separated by intervals in the majority of cases , if we look closely at what the holy book offers we will find that the intervals aren't far from reporting a fundamental issue in the Meccan ear and the milestones of it's guidance. 3-The presentation of the revelation of the holy Qur'an precedes the Rain in the following chapters: Alan'am, Ibraheem, Alhijr, Alkahf, Alfurqan, Alankabot, Alnur and Alshoura while the Showers of the sky precedes the revelation of the holy book in the rest of the chapters like: Albaqarah, Alr'ad, Fusselat, Alzumur, Alwaq'ah, Alnahl. 4-It is rare for these major chapters to lack the conjugation of the two revelations and the citation of the Qur'an in their beginnings and it is clear in Albaqarah , Alr'ad , Ibraheem , Alhijr , Alnahl , Alkahf , Alfurqan , Alzumur , Fusselat , Alshoura and Alnur while the beginnings of Alankabot , Alwaki'ah and Alana'am Didn't mention it , but all these major chapters are characterized by the presence of a brief citation of the holy Qur'an and it's descriptions in the beginnings , the ends or even in the middle of the chapter and this noted in the different areas. 5-The verses about the revelation of the holy book are clearly reporting the fact that the holy book is the complete and utter truth as revealed to our prophet Muhammad peace be upon him and not made by him pushing away all the allegations of the deniers daring and reproaching them for the blindness of their visions from seeing the glowing truth. While the verses mentioning the showers of the sky and rain are variable reporting the evidence of the oneness of Allah and stating that Allah is the only creator of all beings and responsible for the measure and discharge of everything within a system of evidence of his splendid power , the verses also. Confirm the issue of the date and the doomsday against the denials of the rejecters showing the truth of life and the swiftness of its demise as the house of vanishing, fluctuation and vanity. May Allah bless our Prophet Muhammad and his family and companions and followers.




