The Incarnation of the Devil in Man with Qur’anic Evidence: Belief Study


  • Dr. Muhammad ben Nasser Al-Suhaibany Department of Faith & Contemporary Beliefs – College of Fundamentals of Religion – Imam Muhammad Ibn Saudi Islamic University


This research study investigates the incarnation of the devil in  Man. It further examines that this fact is a solid belief of the ancestors as referred to by many scholars. Denying the incarnation of the devil in Man is attributed to Mutazela. The Sunnis unanimously agree that the incarnation of the devil is a solid fact except for some of the Sunnis who were affected by the Mutazela. The majority of the interpreters, scholars, and researchers unanimously agree that this fact is undeniable, and those who denied this fact brought proofs and evidence for this. I drew on many of the researchers and scholars who showed their proofs of this fact. As far as I am concerned, the first person to have mentioned the dispute over this issue among interpreters is Al-Mawardi in his interpretation and the first person to have denied this issue is Abo Ali Al-Jebai.

The first person to have denied epilepsy is Al-Zamakhshary followed by Al-Baidhawy, Abo Saud, Al-Tabrasi, and Al-Sharbeeny. Al-Razee was inclined to adopt what the people who denied epilepsy believed. The Qur’anic verse refers to the fact that epilepsy is induced by Jinn and it is a solid proof against those who denied this fact. The people who supported the fact of epilepsy and its association with Jinn showed proofs from the Holy Qur’an and the Sunna along with reasoning and observation; they showed the invalidity of the misconceptions of the people who denied this fact. In conclusion, it was verified that the Qur’anic verse and the Sunnah are reliable and athenic proofs that the incarnation of the devil in Man is a real fact. Again, those who denied this fact went against the companions of the Prophet: it is a unanimously-agreed fact by the Sunni scholars and not as the Mutazela and those who were affected by them believed.





