Sharia Sciences Teachers'Practice in Teaching Critical Thinking Skills to Secondary School Students in Qassim


  • Dr. Ahmad bin Muhammad Al-Tuwaijri Curriculum and Teaching Methodologies Qassim University


The study aims at investigating Sharia sciences teachers' practicein teaching critical thinking skills to secondary school students in Qassim. The study uses the descriptive and analytic methodology to describethe teaching performance of theSharia sciences teachers in‘Hadeeth’[Tradition] and ‘Fiqh’[Jurisprudence] classes. Seventy-three Shariasciences teachers filled out a questionnaire. Twenty-four Sharia sciences teachers were observed teaching ‘Hadeeth’ and ‘Fiqh’ to secondary school students in order to examine their actualperformance.

The findings of the study suggest that the Sharia sciences teachers’ performance was average, which indicates that the teachers did theoretically understand critical thinking skills according to their teaching performance in ‘Hadeeth’ and ‘Fiqh’. Butthe observational findings showthe absence of critical thinking skills in the teaching performance of ‘Hadeeth’ and ‘Fiqh’ teachers. However, the teaching performance ofSharia sciences teachers improvesas the years of experiences increase.




