Excessive TV-Watching by Children & the Early Intervention Strategies to Reduce Its Consequences on Their Growth & Development: Literature Review


  • Dr. Hanieh Mahmoud Merza Department of Special Education, King Saudi University


Television overviewing, negative impacts, young children development


The reseacrcher conducts this literature review and therefore, purposively selected 31 research studies based on certain predetermined criteria. The focus of these studies was the investigation of the negative impacts of overviewing television on the development of young children beyond school age. The researcher believes that overviewing television among this group is a common with Saudi society as well as the rest of Arab world. Therefore, it can be a threatening phenomena that neccesstates the application of scientific research to spread awarenesses among caretakerspertaining such impacts. The most salient findings indicate very strong correlations between the average of children overviewing teleivision and the development of their language, academic, behaviors, and health in particular as well as their overall achievement in general. Based on these scientific facts, the American Academicay of Pediatrics proposed the inclusion of “average of viewing television” within the entry data sheet of Psychological and Behavioral clinics. The researcher discussed several evidence- based interventional strategies that support the Arab caretakers in their roles of providing secure environments and optimum care for children.




